The End of this Chapter. The Beginning of the Next.

Sunday June 7th, 2015. 1:00-3:30 PM. 70 ° F. Bowditch Field Framingham, MA.

That was the end of this chapter and the beginning of the next. I graduated high school and am now moving onto college. 13 years in the Framingham Public School treated me well. I’ve learned a lot about myself (good and bad) and I’ve made and lost some friends along this journey. But I’m not looking back at that. This is where I start growing as the person I want others to see me for. I want to go to college, become a teacher, and start a family. When I see these people many years from now, I know it’ll be amazing. Everybody in the Class of 2015 student body is going to be remembered. We’re going places. Regardless of what happens now, “the future just got better”.

Thank you everybody who helped me grow in life and supported me in my future. I’m so blessed end this chapter with a great new beginning!